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Vote of Confidence and Rite of Ascension AS Of 1/19/2010


Whereas The Aquila believes that the club is still essentially a democracy and the CO is the representative of the club and serves at the pleasure of the membership, the membership of the Aquila has established the procedure in which a “Vote of Confidence” is held yearly, beginning in January of 2010. The procedure is as follows:

(1)   The “Vote of Confidence” shall determine if the majority of the membership, present and eligible to vote at that meeting (i.e. be at least 8 years of age and be a current member of the USS Aquila) wish to have the current Chapter Chairperson for one (1) more year or have him/her step down from the position.

(2)   If the current Chapter Chairperson does not receive a majority “Vote of Confidence”, the “Rite of Ascension” procedure will take place immediately. The “Vote of Confidence” shall be by secret ballot or by show of hands and will be the first order of business at that meeting.

(3)    The “Vote of Confidence” shall occur no later than the first regularly scheduled meeting of each calendar year.

(4)   A “Vote of Confidence” can be called by the membership at any time if deemed necessary.

The Executive Committee shall be promoted by “Rite of Ascension” following at such times when a vacancy exists (i.e. when a Chapter Chairperson or a member of the Executive Committee steps down for any reason). The procedure shall be outlined as follows:

(1)   The “Vote of Confidence” is held to confirm the advancement of a member in the Rite of Ascension. The member “moving up” in position does not officially assume the duties of the higher office until the “Vote of Confidence has approved and confirmed his/her advancement.

(2)   The First Officer shall assume the duties of Chapter Chairperson

(3)   The Second Officer shall assume the duties of First Officer

(4)   The Third Officer shall assume the duties of Second Officer

(5)   A vacancy in the position of Third Officer shall be filled by election, which is described below.

(6)   If, for any reason, a member of the Executive Committee declines to assume the duties of the higher position, he/she may remain in his/her current position if so desired. The officer “next-in-line” (i.e. the officer holding the next lower position in the chain of command) shall assume the duties of the higher office. If there exists no officer next-in-line, an election shall be held to fill that vacancy.


Any current member of the USS Aquila who fulfills the requirements for the position, may apply at any time for any position in the chapter. This includes Committee Chairperson, Division Chief, and Executive Committee positions. A general election will be announced, giving other eligible members the opportunity to also apply for the position, and held at the next general chapter meeting.


If a member of the Executive Committee steps down for any reason, the normal Rite of Ascension shall be superseded if an eligible member voices his/her desire to apply for that position. A general election will then be announced, giving all other interested parties the opportunity to apply for that position. The general election will be held at the next general chapter meeting to fill the vacant position.


The election for Third Officer and/or a vacant office of the Executive Committee as described above, shall proceed as follows:

(1)   The names of all eligible members shall be read to the membership (i.e. eligible members must be at least 18 years of age and have successfully completed OCC)

(2)   Nominations shall be made from the list of eligible members

(3)   Voting shall occur by secret ballot. The person receiving the majority vote shall assume the duties of that office.

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